10 thoughts on “Home

  1. Hello! I have seen your work on Facebook, and I am interested in a January session for my son, who will turn 2 that month. What are your fees? Do you do the CD with copyright included? If not, then what are the prices for your photo packages?

    Jennifer Gawthorp
    (I live in Olney.)

  2. i have seen some of your work. i am getting married in October of this year. i was wondering your price range and if you travel. my wedding is in effingham on the 16th

    • Hi Denise! Yes, I am available right now for Friday, October 16, 2015! You can find my pricing under the “Session Pricing” tab on my website! Feel free to email me with questions or to get details about booking! Thanks! [s.lynch1@live.com]

  3. When you do newborn would you do in home? If so do you bring props? I’m wanting studio like photos but also wanting photos on the farm with horses/dogs done.

  4. You have took pics of my wife Kathy twice. They were amazing. She is usually shy, these are classy, her fav poses and you’re lighting set her off like I’ve never seen.

  5. Hello! Just needed to inquire about the possibility of you traveling to Lawrenceville? Date is September 30th, 2023. I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks!

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